Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Why Study Spanish?

This is the main question of this Blog.
 I will show you a lot of reasons why you should study Spanish!

This Blog is about this questions but also about the beatiful sides of Spain and tips to learn this languge better and faster. 

There are a lot of reasons to study spanish.
First of all it's the World's third most spoken language after Mandarin Chinese and English and ranks second in terms of native speakers.  language researcher named David Graddol said that Spanish will be the languge of the future.

If you know how to speak Spanish you will be able to communicate with relative or to travel to Mexico, South or Central America or Spain during your summer break.

 A lot of people are interested in learning this Language because it sounds great and maybe they will need it in their future Jobs. Other reasons are you could get an Spanish Exchange Student and so you could talk with them or you could talk spanish with friends who learned it too.

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